Academy’s Genius Swordmaster

Chapter 289

[ 289. Total offensive (3) ]


“We have arrived.”

Ronan stopped. The Holy Land of Dyinhar. Or, the place called the heart was still showing off its magnificent appearance even after three years had passed.

In the middle of the space covered with white tiles, a chunk of magic stone larger than any farmhouse was floating. Looking at it now, it seemed that the style of the building Elsia lived in, whether it was a seed storage or something, was similar. The savior looked around and exclaimed.

“Ah… time has passed, but it’s still the same. Indeed, these are the ruins left by those who were closest to the stars.”

“What the hell is this place?”

“The bridge and power plant of the greatest ship in the world. Looking at it now, it’s amazing.”


Ronan tilted his head. Instead of answering, the savior extended his finger and pointed at the crystal. Come to think of it, even though I had arrived at my destination, I didn’t seem to have any intention of getting off.

I couldn’t figure out what it was. Ronan first moved as he told him to. Traces of the past fight with Terranil remained everywhere. The savior who arrived in front of the crystal tapped him on the shoulder.

“This is the engine. It is an essential power engine to move the huge hull. The geniuses of the time put their heads together and developed it.”

“I don’t know what an engine… is, but it’s like a heart, right?”

“okay. it’s the heart The analogy of your native friends was correct.”

The savior nodded. Suddenly, voices of thunder and gusts of wind rang out from behind.

“Hee-euk…hehe I finally got it!”

“Ro Ronan! Come with me!”

When I turned my head, I saw the aboriginal brothers who were breathing deep under their chins. He couldn’t handle mana properly, but he was quite proud to have followed him so quickly. The savior looked at the tattoos on their bodies and continued.

“The tattoos on the bodies of those friends are a kind of identification code. In the past, this ship wasn’t something anyone could steer. Only those who had increased sensitivity through genetic modification could become sailors, and the evidence that they inherited that lineage was engraved on their bodies from generation to generation.”

“That… I don’t know what the fuck you mean. First of all, where the hell is the ship?”

“I made a mistake. It is faster to see once than to hear a hundred times. Wait a minute.”

Suddenly, the savior raised his hand in the air and muttered something. Then, the tile in front of it was overturned, and a huge cuboid emerged. Dozens of mechanical devices were attached to the smooth surface. Ronan raised his eyebrows.


I must remember. It was a rectangular parallelepiped that clearly contained the secret of the ruins. Ever since the raging gales tampered with it, Dynhar has been completely fortified.

Originally, it was placed under a certain stairway, but it seemed that a savior had called it. cried the angry gust that had just caught up with Ronan, wide-eyed.

“You can’t touch that! You can touch it only on the promised day!”

“Today is the day.”

The savior answered dryly. And without hesitation, he put his hand on the mechanism. Kugu Palace…! After pressing a few buttons, my feet started shaking as if an earthquake had struck.

“Nimi. What the hell are you trying to do… uhm?!”

It was the car Ronan was about to say. A burning pain rose from the depths of his body. He staggered as if he were about to collapse as he grabbed his chest. The savior who glanced at his son smiled.

“yes. It’s finally started. There can be no side effects.”

“Shit, what is this…”

“I told you that there will be side effects of Haeju. Now, the curses that have been decomposed in your body are being discharged out of your body. It will probably hurt terribly.”

Ronan was speechless and gritted his teeth. The terrible pain that seemed to boil his organs was not something he could endure with his guts. The startled Gust and Thunder brothers supported Ronan.

“Roronan. Wake up!”

“You mustn’t die!”

The savior closed his eyes. Every time his hand moved, the vibration that shook the ruins was getting stronger. A black magic stone that seemed to be an engine or something was flickering like crazy.

“Don’t worry, the pain will subside soon. It would be easier to think of it as a bird’s struggle to break an egg. Ronan. You were born with a talent that surpasses me from the beginning.”

“Gagging… kuck!”

“Compared to Illil, I feel downgraded, but that is also a very terrifying power. I am just grateful that I grew up to be a good child who would not abuse such power.”

Ronan barely lifted his head and looked at the back of the savior. Sparkling mana was constantly gushing out of his dwarf shoulders. It was like seeing a small volcano rather than a person with a massive amount.

He was humming something to himself, but the sounds around him were so loud that it was hard to hear.

“…Fly. fly again.”

However, I couldn’t get rid of the feeling that I somehow seemed to be in danger. Should I say it feels like watching the last eruption of an old volcano? It seemed that if he vomited up all the lava, it would cool down as it was.


I wanted to say something, but my voice didn’t come out. At that time, the intense pain that struck again swept Ronan’s five senses. I felt that the curses that were holding my heart were dying. The savior, who glanced back at his son, concluded the lyrics.

“Let’s fly one more time.”


“This is nonsense…”

muttered Bishop Theresia. She climbed atop the walls of the fortress and watched the fall of the Order in real time. The protection of the stars protecting the fortress, which they believed would never be breached, was about to break.

“This is the end. Never back down!”

“I’ll make you damn fanatics pay for their crimes!”

Allied forces were now simultaneously assaulting the last two remaining fortifications. The shouts of the soldiers shook the pure white earth. Every time the catapult lowered its head, the warheads soaked in diluent were fired in a parabolic arc.

bang! bang! A roar erupted whenever various projectiles struck the shield. Seeing the allied forces swarming like bees, the believers let out a despairing sigh. Due to the activity of artificial giants and siege warfare, the number decreased considerably, but it seemed well over 100,000.

Their spirit, drunk with blood, was so high as to tear the sky apart. Allied flags fluttered in the seven fortresses that had already been captured. The corpses of artificial giants scattered all over the place were pouring purple blood.

“How did this happen…!”

Theresia bit her lower lip. Everything happened in an instant. Allied forces were much stronger than expected from the Order. The sabotage that had been going on for hundreds of years was about to fade.

The artificial giants, which were the secret weapons, were only good at the beginning, but were falling helplessly without being able to overcome the strong forces of the Allied Forces. At this rate, let alone victory, it seemed that he would not be able to adhere to the time the archbishops had instructed him to endure. Suddenly, a booming voice rang out from the sky.

【Don’t be such a bug, bring the leader!】

It was a familiar voice. Theresia raised her head and bit her lower lip. An unprecedented massacre was taking place in the sky. The death murmurs of the artificial giants were heard sporadically.


【You foolish dragon. How could it be… Kkeu!]

The artificial giants were falling every time Orsay, holding the spiral spear, disappeared from sight. He was flying at high speed with only his wings outstretched in human form.


Puff-! A huge wind hole pierced the chest of the giant who was wandering around. Violet blood and intestines came out of Orsay’s body, but he didn’t care. Before the giant could even recognize its own death, the head of the giant behind it exploded.

“Demon dragon…!”

aww A cracking sound came from Theresia’s mouth. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that one guy killed half of the artificial giants. Orsay was making an outstanding performance that was worthy of the name of the legendary dragon, and was completely in control of the battlefield. At that time, a cry broke out again near the wall.

“Come out!”

Theresia lowered her head again. This time, a black wear tiger was running towards me holding a sword. Above the sharp blue blade of the spear, black mana was shaking and swaying.

Zaifa, who had gathered enough aura, swung the moon sword. Wow! A black line was drawn over the protection of the stars, and a huge crack appeared. His space-shattering aura has already claimed three digits of lives since the offensive began.

“Didn’t you go that way?”

Theresia muttered. I thought you were attacking Fort 7, but I didn’t expect you to come here. Seeing the dangerously shaking shield, the follower next to Theresia cried out in tears.

“Lord Bishop! If this is the case, you will be overtaken. We must retreat!”

“Shut up!”

Chew! Theresia swung the sword in her hand as it was. The head of Shindo, who insisted on retreating, fell to the floor. The believers who were agitated around them froze for a moment.

“We must hold on! that’s the only hope If we’re not ready, the moment that Navardoze spits fire, even our headquarters will be blown away!”

Theresia raised her sword and pointed at the sky. The tip of the sword, glistening with blood, was pointing at Navardoze, who was flapping his wings in the air. Inside her mouth, which still took the form of a dragon, the primordial flame was condensed and shimmering.

The original light and heat were so strong that it was like watching another sun rise. It was the first shot to be spewed towards the headquarters the moment all nine fortresses collapsed.

No matter how strong the protection of the archbishops was, I didn’t think that such a thing could be prevented without damage. Recognizing the fact that there was nowhere else to retreat, the believers nodded their heads.

“All right. I will not run away!”

“I will fight. For the Order!”

“That’s it! I, Theresia, are with you!”

Theresia raised the sword she was holding higher. I’m glad I managed to raise morale somehow. In fact, she knew that it was a hopeless situation with no answer, but she had no choice but to fight.

‘I’ll do anything. Somehow…’

The leader and the archbishops who had disappeared were the only hope. It was the car she was trying to focus on Mercury again. Crisp! A small hole was opened in a corner of the shield, and darkness fell.

“What is this?”

“Huh! I can’t see ahead!”

It was a terrible darkness where you couldn’t see an inch ahead. Confusion erupted everywhere. Theresia, who had come to her senses, was about to activate one of her powers, a gale. Suddenly, an eerie voice came from her ear.

“Where is the teacher?”


Theresia was paralyzed as it was. It was a horrifying voice that made the blood freeze. Come to think of it, the voices of the believers were no longer heard. Pod! The darkness that enveloped the area disappeared in an instant.

“What is this…!”

Theresia’s eyes widened as if they would pop out. The map of hell spread out over the castle wall. The hundred or so believers who had been conversing a moment ago were all thin and lying neatly as mummies. Pale-faced men and women hovered over the corpse, smacking their lips.

“Children of the Night.”

It was not difficult to infer their identities. vampire. They were also the most powerful known vampires of the Warsaw bloodline. The Grand Duke of Shadow, standing behind Theresia, placed her hand on her head and said.

“Ask again. Where is the teacher?”

“I don’t know! Let go of this…”

was the car she was about to say. The Grand Duke of Shadow gave strength to his open hand. Puppy-! Theresia’s head exploded with a crushing sound. Blood and brain shards of brains embedded in the skull were scattered in all directions. After wiping his hands, the grand duke murmured softly.


His eyes were burning with anger at the loss of his brother. Theresia didn’t say it, but it was obvious anyway. The cult leader must have been in that pale castle.

“You should open the door.”

The Grand Duke muttered as he was driving towards the castle gate. Wow! With an intense explosion, the gates of the fortress collapsed as if they were about to explode. Zaifa, who broke the barriers, entered the castle. He opened his mouth after holding the sword in one turn.

“Leave no one alive.”


The soldiers rushed in like the ebb tide. Most of the remaining believers gave up resistance and started running away, but there was no place to run. The protection of the stars that covered the fortress was shattering.

With this, all forts except one fell. It happened within seven hours of the general offensive.

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