Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 149

Chapter 149

Very well. Then, you, go ahead and marry on my behalf.

The second Prince, Theodor, fell into silence.

There wasnt any grand explanation.

He was simply left stunned. He wasnt certain about what he had just heard. He felt like instructing his servant to fetch the thickest cotton swab immediately. If possible, he wished to thoroughly clean his ears and then listen to his brothers words once more.

However, fortunately(?), it appeared that his brother comprehended his perplexed state.

Why? Dont you understand? Should I repeat myself?

Nod, nod.

Theodor unconsciously nodded his head. A shameless smile casually appeared on Raciels lips.

Im requesting that you marry in my place.

Why are you suggesting this?

Oh, youre wondering why?

Well, naturally

Just a minute ago, you mentioned youd grant any favor I asked.

So, was it only lip service? Was that all it was?

No, its not that

You said youd do the favor.

But brother

Correct. Thats how the world operates. Where is the sincerity? People express gratitude because it benefits them. Isnt that right?

It seems Ive asked something too demanding of you. Ive shattered your sincerity with my unreasonable request. So what? If your sincerity only goes this far, its not your fault. Im the one at fault for not realizing that and acting insensitively. Right?

Its alright, its alright. No need to appear so apologetic. Im not upset. Ill simply request something else. Just give me a piece of candy. You can manage that, cant you? After being by your side for two months and putting in all kinds of effort, I should at least receive a piece of candy as a token, right? A piece of candy seems to be just the right measure of your sincerity. Isnt it?


Hey, why are you sniffling?

No, its just that

Theodor was genuinely perplexed. He truly felt grateful to his brother. However, the favor his brother suddenly asked for was for him to marry in his place. This exceeded his wildest expectations. He had no idea how to respond.

Its because its so sudden and bewildering.

Ah, I see.

Yes, even now

Alright, I understand. Youre bewildered. Youre unsure how to react, right?


Tsk, tsk, tsk. Yeah, yeah. Everyone experiences that.

Raciel gently patted the second Princes shoulder as a gesture of consolation. Simultaneously, he thought to himself, This guy, hes kind-hearted and hardworking, but hes also indecisive and burdensome. Hes like a character straight out of a novel.

Now, its time to begin persuading him with my reasons.

First, he needed to shake him up, create psychological openings with a touch of guilt, and then smoothly introduce his convincing rationale into those openings. Just as planned, Raciel loosened his tongue and started delivering his prepared lines.

Curious why Im making such an unreasonable request?

Theodor nodded silently. A faint smile graced Raciels lips as he calmly told a fabricated tale.

Didnt I mention it before? I have less than a year to live.


Does it make sense now?

Yes, to some extent.

Light returned to Theodors eyes. Raciel enhanced the smile at the corner of his mouth.

Just as you suspected. My time is limited, but its not public knowledge yet. Despite that, numerous marriage proposals have poured in.

That must be incredibly challenging for you.

Indeed. How can I marry when my days are numbered? If I were to do so, it would create significant complications, wouldnt it?

Then, brother, why not simply reveal the truth openly and decline?

No, I cant.

Why not?

Its best for as few people as possible to be aware of my limited lifespan, especially since His Majesty hasnt fully recovered yet.


Youre aware, right? How critical His Majestys condition was and how miraculously he recovered.

Yes, I understand.

So, His Majesty, despite appearing outwardly active as before, there are still lingering effects. There are still risks. If he were to experience deep sadness or intense emotions, theres a possibility of a relapse like before. Now, what would happen if he suddenly learned the truth about my limited lifespan without any mental preparation?

Hmm. I didnt know there was such a reason.

Did you not? I didnt want to resort to this either.

Yes, but I have a question.

What is it?

If I were to marry one of those who proposed, instead of my brother How would such a marriage take place?

Theodor was genuinely curious.

After all, the flood of marriage proposals was directed solely at his older brother, Crown Prince Raciel. This meant they had no interest in him. But could a marriage be arranged if he desired one with someone among those proposals?

Raciel grinned in response to the question.

Its possible. Youll need to make them want it.

Them you mean?

Yes. You need to make them attracted to you first. Its a common approach, isnt it? Mutual attraction.

There will be a ball at the second princes palace. Invite the suitors, and present yourself in the most dazzling way. Then, with mutual attraction, proceed to a marriage that no one can oppose. At that point, Ill step back and play a supporting role.

So, can you do it?

Yes, but now I think I understand a bit better.

Understand what?

That youve manipulated me right from the start for this favor.

Of course.

So, do you resent it?

No, its not that


I feel like Ive been deceived.

You caught on quickly.


Theodor couldnt help but smirk at such a straightforward response. However, he didnt hold any grudges, as he could sense his brothers genuine concern (?) for the Emperor and the future of the royal family.

Ill do my best not to let you down, brother.

Unaware that he had been fooled, Theodor made up his mind.

The following day, dozens of carrier pigeons flew from the palace, carrying responses to the marriage proposals. The invitations bore a clear message: First come, first served, limit of 50 people.

A few days later.

Royal families from various countries began to stir. Noble families were in an uproar. The reason was simple: it was due to the response to Raciels marriage proposals.

What? First come, first served, 50 people?

If youre not among the first 50, you cant attend the party?

Is that really true?


Some royal families shook their heads. Some nobles debated the authenticity of the reply. Soon, everyone arrived at a simple conclusion.

This is real!

The seal of the Magentano royal family was present, and the carrier pigeons had been sent with powerful magical protections. Falsification was impossible from the start. The answer was clear.

This is real. We cant be late!


The response from the empires crown prince limited attendance to 50 people. This meant that if you didnt attend the party, the chance of marriage would be lost!

Prepare the carriages immediately!

Royal families hurriedly got to work.

Noble families were in a rush.

They quickly organized the fastest and sturdiest carriages. The finest horses were lined up. The most skilled coachmen were chosen. Engineers capable of immediate repairs in case of carriage issues were hired.

And each countrys strongest cavalry units were added as escorts. Plans were also made for the rapid supply of provisions.

Lets go!

Time was of the essence. Any delay would give an advantage to potential rivals. Thus, noblewomen from various countries embarked on a spirited race for the future of matrimony and family honor.

Lets go! Move, move!


Dozens of carriages kicked up dust as they departed from their respective starting points. Comfort during the ride? That was not a concern. Speed was the sole priority, and everyone was well aware of it. Even the ladies accustomed to lavish treatment were no exception.

Why are you driving so slowly? Go faster! Hurry!

W-what, Your Highness?

Like this!

Whack! Whack!

A princess from a small kingdom showed courage by pushing aside her exhausted driver and taking control of the reins. Another young lady from a noble family even hiked up her dress to help a carriage stuck in a ditch.

In the end, winners and losers emerged. Over the course of a month, the ladies gradually arrived at the Imperial Capital of Magenta, their rankings from first to fiftieth clearly defined.

And those who arrived late?

They had no chance. They were ruthlessly disqualified, forced to return to their home countries, shedding tears of disappointment. Little did they know how the story of this intense competition would be passed down to future generations.

It was indeed an unprecedented journey where countless women burned with the desire for marriage. Such an achievement was certainly worth commemorating, an event that would eventually evolve into a revered tradition.

No one could have imagined that in later generations, humanity would hold this long-distance, multinational carriage race for women every five years, and that it would be called the Imperial Carriage Rally, with the Imperial Capital of Magenta as its finish line.

Meanwhile, preparations for the banquet at the Second Princes Palace were also completed smoothly within a month. Normally, the royal banquet preparation process would take at least three months. But for Raciel, who was deeply rooted in Korean culture? Three months were simply excessive.

Hurry, hurry!

Come on, hurry!

Throughout the preparation, the attendants and maids chanted hurry, hurry. Thanks to that, the banquets arrangements were neatly finished in just one month. And finally, the grand banquet at the Second Princes Palace began.


Finally, Ive found you.

An uninvited guest who hadnt received an invitation to the banquet was sneaking through the winter flowers in one corner of the Second Princes Palace garden, keeping a close watch on Raciel.

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