In My Favorite Novel As The Final Villain

Chapter 19: Heroine Attraction

"O-Okay, I'll tell you, I'll tell you everything," Luna stammered nervously, not wanting to feel the cruel and brutal pressure on her body.

"I'm listing."

She took deep breaths until her lungs were full and prepared to tell the sce she had se. "What I saw were several m, each wearing a black hood and a mask with the symbol of a cross with countless cracks."

She paused to recount what she had se and continued, "There, these m were torturing boys and m, not ev normal torture… They were not doing normal torture, they were biting into the flesh of the m who were still alive and screaming in pain. Their teeth were not human, they looked like grotesque monsters…"

"They ate more and more m. There were hundreds of them. Some of them did terrible things, like gouging out people's eyes with their tongues. They ev ate each other. It was not normal…. It was a live performance of cannibalism," Luna explained, still shaking all over.

She should have known that she and most of the nobles had no experice in seeing such brutal acts. They could see murder, but to torture thousands of people in such a barbaric way? No doubt it left a psychological mark on them.

"Good explanation, and I recommd that you prepare yourself, these guys are coming this way," Theos declared, moving away from her more quickly.

Luna stood motionless, a chill running through her body. These guys were going to the same meeting! She understood it quickly and ev worse, she believed it. After all, they were quite close.

"What am I going to do, what am I going to do?" she mumbled over and over again and found herself confronted with a reality…. There was nothing she could do, she understood that if he had told her without telling the other nobles, it was so that she wouldn't talk either. He only told her out of goodwill to help him.

Wh she understood that, she stopped despairing and quickly prepared herself for a future battle.

"You heard that, didn't you?" asked Theos, turning his atttion to Alice, who was standing next to him. "Yes, I heard…" she confirmed with a nod, not wanting to lie to him.

He smiled slightly. "It's the way of the world, Alice. It's terrible, you knew that. I know you're smart… But it's worse than you can imagine," he said reluctantly. The truth was, he didn't want to show Alice the harsh reality of the world, but he had no choice, if not him…. Who else would do it?

"Yes, I understand now… I understand very well," Alice replied vaguely, somewhat disturbed by what she had just heard from Luna herself.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you. I promise," Theos promised, intertwining his hand with hers. As if it was magic itself, she smiled happily, ev though she still remembered Luna's words. She believed in him blindly.

[The host received the jealousy of two heroines, Eleanor and Nora, and received a reward of ,000 negative ergy].

[The host got the jealousy of countless m and wom and got a reward of 00 negative ergy], announced the mechanical voice of the system, which made Theos smile ev more.

But soon his smile stiffed as he discovered an unexpected fact. "Jealous of my sister? What?" he thought incredulously. In the novel, there is no hint of her being jealous of Theos. Because she was always at Alan's side.

Remembering this fact, Theos turned his atttion to Alan and discovered that he was all alone, eating snacks from time to time, but not ev a Heroine paid any atttion to him.

'What is this, system?' he asked in shock, unable to believe that not ev a heroine had the slightest interest in Alan.

[Host, do you remember that the system gave him the ability to steal more atttion from the heroines? You ordered me to deactivate it for now, but this ability cannot be blocked, it is passive and always on], the system explained in its mechanical voice.

Theos' mouth almost oped into an "O" wh he discovered the reason for all of this…. The system had fooled him! He had be fooled by his system.

'Fuck you!' he cursed angrily. This simple fact had screwed up several of his plans, but looking back on all those negative pinpoints…couldn't help but admit that it had be worth it.

"Ah, what a bummer dealing with all those heroines," he said wearily. "What heroines?" asked Alice curiously.

"Nothing, just a game I was playing on my cell phone," he lied matter-of-factly. He felt a little bad about lying, but it was necessary. 'I can't tell her that she a character in a harem novel and will die in a few years.'

As they descded the stairs, Theos turned to meet all the young nobles, the most promint being Arnold and Alan, as well as himself.

Although Alice was at his side, several young ladies still dared to ask him to dance, taking advantage of the music of the momt.

He politely declined each invitation, saying that on some future occasion… A chance that would never come.

Seeing the time, Theos smiled in anticipation. 'It is time… For the greatest rewards to appear.' In the novel, not a second had passed after the prestation wh disaster ruined the tire banquet….

"Ladies and gtlem, please all rise to receive the great royal blood," one of the servants announced through a microphone.

All the guests rose to their feet, knowing what would happ next.

The Princess.


The next chapter will be uploaded in a few hours 🙂


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