Si Vis Pacem -‖- Para Bellum [Naruto FanFic]

Arc X Chapter 7

Arc X Chapter 7



Arc X Chapter 7


Asami beamed. Remember, you are cute and innocent. Cute and innocent. CUTE and INNOCENT. No evil thoughts. No evil intentions. Just fluffiness, kindness, and happy sunshine.

“Pardon my curiosity, Lord Hiashi, but I wonder, what leads Konoha to the capital of the Land of Fire, so far from home?“

Hiashi hesitated before sharing some innocuous information. “Financial matters primarily. Unfortunately, Konoha is currently experiencing difficult times. We are seeking financial aid for reconstruction purposes ... “

Both, Asami and Yuki, tilted their heads in charming unison, and blinked. Their confusion was written plainly across their faces. Reconstruction purposes?

Yuki didn't understand. Asami feigned she didn't understand.

Asami responded with a polite giggle. “What extraordinary coincidence. How small the world is. We also arrived to request financial support in behalf of our village. Perhaps that is why we were grouped together.“

Hiashi agreed. “Possibly.“

Asami smiled. “Yet I fail to understand what you exactly mean by “reconstruction“? What should Konoha need any reconstruction?





Hiashi and Shikaku stole a glance at each other, exchanging looks of disbelief.

Shikaku cleared his throat. “Lady Miyumi, I gather ... you haven't heard about ... recent events ...“

Asami tilted her head, looking lost. “Heard about what? Lord Shikaku, I can't follow.“

“...“ Shikaku was unsure how to proceed. “Didn't you learn about the invasion? Orochimaru and his allies staged a major attack on Konoha during the chunin exams.“

Asami shared her rather limited insight. “Rumours and hearsay say so, but I was under the impression that Konoha mostly succeeded in repelling Suna and Ota forces ..., right?“

“....“ Shikaku fell silent. “We were able to repel them, but Konoha paid a heavy price. Our forces took heavy losses ... The Hokage himself fell in combat ... The village proper suffered considerable damage. Orochimaru and his allies unleashed terror upon terror, causing widespread destruction. Much of the village's infrastructure was completely destroyed.

Konoha might have emerged victorious, Lady Miyumi, but victory came costly.“

Asami cast her eyes downwards in shame. “I didn't know ...“

Shikaku calmed her. “It's not your fault, Lady Miyumi.“

“Asami lowered her head in a show of sincerity. “In the name of Amegakure, in the name of the Hattori, I must apologise for my uncalled insensitivity. You and all of Konoha have our deepest sympathies in the face of these challenging times. We all hope Konoha will prevail.“

Hiashi approved. “Your gesture is appreciated, Lady Miyumi. Konoha will remember your kindness.“

Asami smiled. “As will we yours.“





Asami turned her attention to Shikaku, armed with a benevolent. Her old acquaintance and good friend didn't look exactly convinced. For good reasons, one might suspect. “Lord Shikaku, is something the matter?“

“It's nothing, Lady Miyumi. A fleeting thought.“ Shikaku shook his head. His old age was merely playing tricks on him. “You were simply reminding me of an acquaintance from the past. Someone I knew a long time ago.“

Asami responded with a soft giggle, tender and melodic. “You flatter me, Lord Shikaku. I am hoping I  compare favourably to her. Father always says we should cherish our memories of the past.“

“Indeed, your father is a wise man.“ Shikaku resorted to a polite smile after burying his last remnaing doubts. It wasn't her. It couldn't be her.


The daimyo grinned behind his fan. “You have convinced me. I will extend my helping hand to both, Konoha and Amegakure. May today herald a new era of peace and property between the two villages.

Asami bowed in gratitude. “Indeed, Your Grace. Once again, your legendary wisdom precedes you.

The people of Amegakure shall never forget your boundless generosity ...“

At least, not until tomorrow.

“... Amegakure will repay your gratitude in time to the best of our abilities.“

Shikaku rolled his eyes. Sure. Boundless generosity ... Such big words.

But her flattery worked. The fire daimyo was happy. And a happy daimyo was a cooperative daimyo. “I hope Konoha echoes Lady Miyumi's sentiment.“

Hiashi lowered his gaze . “Of course, Your Grace. Konoha shall never forget your generosity, either.“

“How wonderful.“ The fire daimyo relished his rare moment of importance. “I hope you will keep us company for the rest of the day if possible. Naho, my precious niece, is an ardent fan of the famous actress Princess Gale. We thus invited her and her group for a live performance. We even organised a small banquette. You are all welcome to stay.“

Shikaku declined. “Unfortunately, that is not possible. Urgent matters require us to return to Konoha.“

Asami rolled her eyes. Urgent matters ... Sure. Certainly, urgent matters of extreme urgentness.

The fire daimyo looked disappointed. “How unfortunate. I hope that, at least, Lady Miyumi, Lady Yuki, keep us company.“

Asami mustered her brightest smile, accepting an offer she could hardly decline. “Of course, Your Grace. It would be an honour for us to attend such a spectacle.“

Asami had not even the slightest idea whatsoever who this so-called self-proclaimed Princess Gale was, nor did she care. Yet Asami played along and smiled.





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