The Fake Heiress's Inner Thoughts Were Heard by Her Entire Family

Chapter 230

Chapter 230

As night fell, the grand banquet hall was ablaze with lights, the clinking of glasses and the hum of conversation filling the air. Jing Zeyou concluded the speech segment with a few brief words, officially marking the start of Hengjing Group's annual gala.0

As in previous years, the stage featured performances by celebrities voted for by the employees, and the crowd was thoroughly enjoying the show.0

Jing Yi swirled the champagne in her glass, her gaze landing on Henry, who was scanning the room, Marso chatting with Jing Zejun, Benjamin, whose intimidating appearance left him sipping alone, and Ross, who had a group of Hengjing Group's female employees flocking around him.0

Were these four here just to join the fun at Hengjing's annual gala?0

"Henry, are you looking for someone?"0

Jing Yi was puzzled; she didn't know Henry had any acquaintances at Hengjing.0

Henry quickly withdrew his gaze, his smile unusually bright, his honey-colored hair swaying slightly. "No, no, I'm just curious."0

What was there to be curious about at an annual gala? She should be the one wondering what these people were doing here.0

Just as Jing Yi was about to say something, Marso and Jing Zejun approached.0

"Jing, look! The magic show is starting over there!" Marso raised his voice slightly as he spoke to Jing Yi.0

"What's so great about a magic show?"0

Though she said that, Jing Yi's gaze still turned toward the stage.0

Henry quietly breathed a sigh of relief and quietly made his way toward Ross. At a time like this, how could this guy still be flirting!0

And Benjamin! Was this really the time to be drinking?0

Henry pulled the two aside, glancing at Jing Yi's direction. "Hey! This is a crucial moment; can you two take it seriously?!"0

Benjamin felt wronged; no one had even come to chat with him.0

Ross raised an eyebrow, lifting his glass toward the girls still watching him from a distance, his pale blue eyes filled with tenderness.0

"The main character hasn't even arrived yet; why are you in such a hurry?" Seeing the girls' smitten expressions, Ross's lips curled up. "Besides, Henry, you're too obvious."0

Henry leaned lazily against the wall, his hands in his trouser pockets, looking even more like a dazzling prince under the sparkling lights.0

"I can't miss such a wonderful scene." With that, he glanced toward the entrance once more.0


On the other side, Jing Zeyou whispered something to Jing Beicheng.0

He walked over to Jing Zeqian, who was constantly glancing in the direction Henry was watching.0

Jing Zeyou handed him a glass of champagne, his gaze inadvertently glancing at Jing Yi, a smile playing on his lips.0

"Are you waiting for someone?"0

Both Jing Zeqian and Henry were so obvious that they might as well have written 'someone's coming soon' on their faces.0

No wonder Jing Yi said these two would definitely get along.0

Jing Zeqian paused, quickly withdrew his gaze, coughed lightly, and took the champagne.0

"Brother, aren't you just asking the obvious?" What else could he be doing? Of course, he was waiting for someone.0

Jing Zeyou ignored him and exchanged a few words with passing employees.0

He was now feeling a bit regretful. Knowing how obvious these two were, he shouldn't have told them. The show hadn't even officially begun, and they were practically giving away the plot.0

Jing Zeqian still couldn't help glancing toward the entrance, a hint of impatience in his eyes.0

"Brother, what's he dragging his feet for? The gala is almost halfway through, and he's still not here. Does he even have any sincerity?"0

Jing Zeyou took a leisurely sip of his drink, his long fingers holding the glass, his profile sharp and elegant, exuding a calm and dignified aura.0

"I don't think I ever said he would appear here."0

Jing Zeqian's expression changed instantly, his eyes widening as he turned to Jing Zeyou. "What?! He...?" Realizing his voice was a bit loud, Jing Zeqian quickly glanced at Jing Yi's direction.0

Seeing that Jing Yi was still watching the performance and hadn't noticed, he breathed a sigh of relief and whispered, "He's not coming? You said he would show up at the gala!"0

If he wasn't coming, why had he stood here for so long? He had even thought of several strategies!0

Jing Zeyou remained composed. "He'll show up, just not in the main hall." It was obvious that this was Hengjing Group's annual gala; he wouldn't let that person make a grand entrance here.0

Jing Zeqian was rendered speechless by his brother. "Then why did I stand here for so long? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"0

Jing Zeyou certainly wouldn't admit to his mischievous intentions, smiling warmly. "I just thought you and Henry were expecting a friend."0n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

Jing ​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌​‌​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​​‌​​‌‌​​​​‌​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌‌​​‌​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌​​​‌‌​‌​‌​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​​‌​‌​​‌‌​‌‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌‍Zeqian: ...I spit!0

But he didn't dare push it too far, as he still needed to get some insider information from Jing Zeyou.0

"Brother, where will he be?"0

Jing Zeyou raised his eyebrows, his thin lips uttering two words: "The lighthouse." The place by the riverside behind the banquet.0

Jing Zeqian's eyes lit up, and he set down his champagne, heading toward Henry's direction.0

Jing Zeyou watched the two conspirators whispering behind their backs, a smile tugging at his lips as he finished his champagne in one gulp.0

He had done his part; a little gift shouldn't hurt, right?0

On the stage, the lights gradually dimmed, and intense spotlights illuminated the entire stage as Hengjing Group employees cheered and applauded the just-concluded performance.0

The members of 'Startrack' stood there, slightly out of breath, fine beads of sweat on their foreheads, their smiles radiant as they greeted the audience.0

In the midst of increasingly enthusiastic cheers, the members stepped down.0

No wonder it was Hengjing Group's annual gala; the scale was no less than that of a grand event. Lu Yichi thought as he watched the young man rushing off the stage. It wasn't easy; they all had tasks to fulfill.0

Before the banquet began, Lu Yichi had seen the company's upcoming boy band standing in front of him, and he hadn't reacted immediately.0

He opened his mouth, disbelief evident. "…Did President Jing send you here?" The handsome boys nodded shyly.0

Lu Yichi's expression grew even more complicated. Just who was this big shot that President Jing would go to such lengths?0


On the other side, Jing Zejun, who was accompanying Jing Yi to watch the performance, looked at the undercurrents in the banquet hall with a similarly complex expression, even a hint of sympathy.0

Maybe Qing Yan should prepare a bit more; this lineup might be too much for him to handle.0

Jing Yi noticed Jing Zejun's absent-mindedness. "Junjun, what's wrong?" Marso, who was also lost in thought, looked over.0

Jing Zejun came back to his senses, smiling gently. "It's nothing, just thinking about the script."0

Jing Yi noticed that Henry and Jing Zeqian were nowhere to be seen. She looked around. "Where are Second Brother and Henry?"0

Jing Zejun's heart skipped a beat. "Maybe they went somewhere to chat; they seem to get along well." Marso chimed in, "Exactly, don't worry about Henry; he knows how to keep himself entertained. He won't let himself get bored."0

Jing Yi felt even more uneasy, sensing that everyone seemed to be up to something.0

"Junjun, you guys seem off."0

Jing Zejun's expression stiffened for a moment, and Marso's eyes also flashed with panic.0

Seeing this, Jing Yi was even more convinced of her suspicions. They were definitely hiding something from her!0

Jing Yi gave them a triumphant look. "Gotcha! What are you hiding from me? And what are Second Brother and the others up to?"0

As the two were brainstorming how to cover up, Lu Yichi had already changed into a white suit and walked over, followed by a group of male band members in matching outfits.0

Jing Yi: Suddenly, it felt oddly familiar...

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