The Mech Touch

Chapter 6663 The Power of Ark

Chapter 6663 The Power of Ark

As the defenders of Viola Magnifica made their final preparations, the native aliens were wrapping up their own efforts.

Scouts had observed that the native aliens had stopped receiving any further

reinforcements a day ago. The alien commanders were now busy with trying to organize their many fleets and agree on a common attack plan.

This would probably take a bit of time, but not too much. The only reason why the aliens had yet to start their offensive was because the attacking side consisted of fleets that

belonged to multiple different alien races.

Interspecies coordination had always been a problem for the native races. They generally did not like each other. While the circumstances forced them to set aside their animosity towards each other, that did not mean that all of their hostility had disappeared.

Entire battles had been won or lost depending on how extensively the fleets of different races were willing to coordinate their maneuvers with each other!

Bad teamwork could occasionally lose them a battle that they should have won in theory due to their superior numbers!

Such problems occurred quite frequently in the beginning of the Red Tide Offensive. The aliens were learning, though. They were not inflexible enough to let this problem persist. They discovered the hard way that it was better to delay an attack and reserve an additional day just to sort out the coordination problems in advance.

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